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~ How to Submit a Complaint (page 1 of 5)
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You must complete the Complaint Details step before you can continue with the following steps.
Submitting a Complaint to RHRA

Do you have a concern related to a licensed retirement home in Ontario? If so, you’ve come to the right place. We’re here to help!

This form is used to collect information from you so that RHRA can look into your complaint and follow-up with you (we look into every complaint we receive). We will also give you details about the complaint process and any next steps. 

Include as much information as you have or are comfortable providing. Please note some information is required (the information you must include is marked by the red asterisk). 

To help make it easier for you, we’ve included instructions below for each section. If you have questions or want us to help you fill out this form, just give us a call: 1-855-ASK-RHRA (1-855-275-7472). 


Are you a retirement home resident making a complaint about your care or experience in a retirement home?  If so, you can skip this section and go to the ‘Information about Person Submitting this Complaint’ section.

Sometimes complaints contain information about a resident that is personal, such as health information.  To protect the rights and privacy of retirement home residents, you may need to fill out one or more forms.  Please see below.

If you are not a resident, RHRA can’t share any personal information about the resident unless the following documents are provided (these documents can be found below, the red icons):
  • If the resident is capable* - Please provide an Authorization Form signed by the resident.

  • If the resident is not capable* - Please provide the appropriate Power of Attorney (POA) or Guardianship document. Please note: depending on the nature of the complaint (e.g. if it involves personal health information, such as care services being received, or financial-related information), RHRA may need the POA for Personal Care or POA for Property document to share the resident's personal information. If you are not the resident's Attorney or Guardian, please also provide an Authorization Form signed by the Attorney/Guardian.

  • If the resident is deceased - Please provide documentation of the resident's Estate Trustee.  This can be either the resident's Will or the Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee. If you are not the resident's Estate Trustee, please also provide an Authorization Form signed by the Estate Trustee.
Capable means that the resident is legally able to make their own decisions. 

Note: Residents who are capable but whose first language may not be English or French, or may need assistance communicating, can give their verbal consent over the phone to have a family member or loved one assist with providing information to RHRA about the complaint. 

Before filling out the rest of this form, please take a moment to check that you have filled out and signed the necessary authorization forms mentioned above that correspond to the resident's status. You can attach forms on the following page. You only have to do this if you are making this complaint on behalf of a resident. Please know that even if you do not attach additional forms, we will still move forward with reviewing your complaint. 

If you have any questions about the authorization forms, please feel free to give us a call at 1-855-ASK-RHRA (1-855-275-7472) and someone can help you.