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The place to turn for help Anyone who sees or suspects a situation that harms or puts a resident at risk of harm must report it to the RHRA. These are known as a Mandatory Reports. Family members, substitute decision makers, retirement home staff and operators all have the same responsibility to help protect the resident. Regulated health professionals such as doctors, nurses and social workers are also obligated to report harm or risk of harm to a resident, such as:
  • abuse or neglect of a resident; improper or incompetent treatment or care of a resident;
  • unlawful conduct;
  • misuse or misappropriation of a resident’s money.
Making a complaint By law, all retirement homes in Ontario are required to have a procedure for responding to complaints about the operation of the home. In addition, all staff members working in the home are required to be trained on the home’s complaints procedure. You can find the home’s complaints procedure in the information package provided to you or you can ask the home for a copy.

In spite of everyone’s best efforts, there may be a concern about the quality of care, operation of the home or actions of a staff member that impacts a resident’s well-being. If you have a concern, bringing it up directly with the home’s staff or management team is your best first step.

Once the home is aware of the complaint, they are required to investigate. They must acknowledge your complaint within 10 business days to let you know how they plan to resolve the issue, when the issue will be resolved or if they believe the complaint is unfounded. If the home believes the complaint is unfounded, they must explain why.